Park West School

Protocol for Late Students

Protocol for Late Students:  Our students need to be here on time. When students arrive late for school they are disrupting school and classroom routines, missing out on receiving classroom instruction and important information.  Arriving on time allows them the opportunity to prepare for learning (getting their materials organized, removing outdoor wear, going to lockers, etc.).  Entrance bells ring at 8:05 am and 12:15 pm.  Students should be on school grounds and ready to enter the building at those times.  Students must be in their classrooms by 8:10 am and 12:20 pm.  We are striving to teach our students the value of time management, punctuality, respect for others, and good citizenship.  We are preparing them for life.  Our society values punctuality.

•If a student is late (after O Canada in the morning at 8:10; after 12:20 pm after lunch; arriving to the next class) then he/she will serve a 20 minute after-school detention in a designated junior high classroom (under teacher supervision) on the day the student is late. 
•If a JH student arrives late for school (morning or afternoon) he/she must sign-in at the office before proceeding to class. 
•The detention may be served on the following day at the discretion of school administration if circumstances prevent the student from serving the detention on the day of being late (e.g. student had urgent family commitment, doctor’s appointment, etc.).
•If a student is late both in the morning and after lunch then arrangements will be made for he/she to serve two detentions.
•Serving the detention will take precedence over the student participating in extra-curricular activities (egs. sports teams, clubs, rehearsals, etc.).  Participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege, not a right. 
•If the student doesn’t show up to serve a detention parents will be contacted and the detention served the following day.
•Before a detention is served parents will be contacted to inform them their son/daughter will be detained after school. 
•“Excused” lates must be for legitimate reasons.  Legitimate excuses may include, but not be limited to:  medical appointments; family emergency; or other unforeseen circumstances.   A written note, phone call, or email must be provided by the parent and submitted to the school office explaining the reason for being late. 

•If a student is late (after O Canada in the morning at 8:10; after 12:20 pm after lunch) then he/she will serve a 15 minute recess detention on the day the student is late. 
•Serving the detention will take priority over the student participating in extra-curricular activities at recess.
•The students serving detention will be permitted to eat a snack, and use the washroom. 
•Parents will be informed if a student has served a detention for being late.
•If the student doesn’t show up to serve a detention parents will be contacted and the detention served the following day
•“Excused” lates must be for legitimate reasons.  A written note, phone call, or email must be provided by the parent to the classroom teacher explaining for the reason for being late.  Legitimate excuses may include, but not be limited to:  medical appointments; family emergency; or other unforeseen circumstances.